Gnome For the Holidays Collection
Sometimes you just need a bit of help getting ornaments to hang on out-of-reach branches or finding a missing candy cane that’s fallen somewhere out of sight. Thankfully, Decorator’s Warehouse has plenty of little assistants to aid you in creating the perfect gnome-themed Christmas ever! Shop our full collection of Christmas gnomes and decorations here to complete the scene! Still, you might want to leave a few extra cookies out for when Santa Claus comes; these tiny guys can get a bit peckish at night!
Gnome Christmas Ribbons
Gnome holiday ribbons are ideal for wrapping up gifts, weaving through banisters, wrapping around wreaths, decorating trees, and more. We find that the best gnome-themed ribbons tend to match the clothing colors of the gnomes that you’ll be displaying around your home. If you’d like to go extra-gnomey with your ribbon choices, our red gnome ribbons feature our petite friends in action with jolly Saint Nick, carrying plenty of Christmas cheer and ready-to-deliver presents.
Miniature Gnome-Themed Trees
In striking green with brown-burlap bases, these little trees might seem big to a gnome, but to us, it just looks like one of their hats! Choose from an assortment of sizes to give your resident gnomes something to decorate this season. Our miniature Christmas trees are perfect for set-piece holiday sets that need a touch of nature as well. Handy for all seasons, these evergreens can merge seamlessly with any holiday of the year when decorated and paired accordingly.
Gnome Christmas Flowers
These gnome-themed holiday poinsettias match their bearded counterparts by having thick, bushy edges that are reminiscent of a gnome’s facial hair. Often found in plaids of green and red, these Christmas poinsettias come in matte and glitter edges and in a variety of sizes to balance well with any tree. For a more rustic look, take a look at our black and white buffalo check poinsettias with stems that adds a minimalist elegance as the gray colors transition throughout the fabric.
Gnome Christmas Signs
Gnome holiday signs feature telltale Christmas colors of green and red while still paying homage to the traditional capped look of our little friends. Decorator’s Warehouse offers gnome Christmas signs in both metal and wood for the perfect rustic look you’re seeking. These signs are the perfect gnome-themed decor to underscore the motif! Choose between classic Christmas characters for your signage or go with slogans that remind friends and family about the spirit of the season.
Gnome Christmas Figures
What’s a gnome Christmas collection without a bunch of bearded-and-capped balls of fun bouncing around? Our holiday gnomes come in a variety of sizes and sport multiple styles to pair smartly with any display. For a particularly bright holiday theme, our lighted plush gnomes offer a cozy glow to gather around, and custom-knitted gnome hats keep their heads warm in the chilliest of winters. Speaking of, keep drafts at bay with our plush Santa Gnome draft dodger that does splits wherever they’re needed to ensure your rooms stay warm. Like your holiday gnomes with some ‘stache rather than the basic beard? Our plush gnome shelf-sitters come in either style for your hirsute tastes. Shop Christmas gnome figures, wood, polyester, resin and more, all here.
All the Gnome-Themed Decor You Need with a Christmas Tree Bundle!
If you’d like to get all of the gnome-themed goodness with a single click for your Christmas tree, then you’ve found the right place. Take a look at our matching Gnome for the Holidays tree bundle here to have all of your flowers, ornaments, ribbon, and more curated for you to match the size of your tree. Need to pick one up to decorate? Take a look at our realistic evergreen tree selections here. If you’d like a bit of professional advice or just want to run your decorating ideas by the pros, we’d love to hear from you via phone or email!