If you’re looking to up your Christmas decor game for 2024, we’ve got you covered - here are some of the best things to source in the off season!
Ultimately, it's a wonderful time to get your Christmas decorations (or anything for Christmas, really) in the months right after the holidays through July of the following year. We hear so often from some of our customers that they had their heart set on a certain ribbon or garland that they saw on social media — but if you’re looking for a specific decor piece once it’s made it big on social, chances are that it might be gone until next season.
But don’t worry — this is when the term ULTIMATE CHRISTMAS FAN can apply to you! And we want you to wear it proudly! If you found your dream ribbon (hello Believe) or your favorite greenery (we’re looking at you Norfolk) and it was gone, here are the best tips and tricks for you to find what you need next season!
Shopping the After-Christmas Sale
There are numerous benefits and advantages to shopping right after Christmas. First, Decorator's Warehouse has a lot of seasonal stock and you can often get access to all the styles and themed Christmas ornaments and decorations you want at substantially discounted prices.
Moreover, in the “off season,” some retailers offer exclusive access to specific collections that might have been in short supply (or entirely unavailable) in the weeks and months leading up to Christmas. To know if we’ve been able to restock something, the best thing is to sign up for the restock notifications we have under every listing. We may not get everything back in stock, but we try our best to get what people love!
Last but not least, shopping the after Christmas sales will give you more than enough time to plan for next year’s theme and festivities, without the stress of dealing with a time crunch.
Planning for next year starting right after Christmas has passed will give you a full year to get everything in order.
So, let’s take a closer look at what to shop now in the Christmas sales for success.
Norfolk Real Touch Collection Just Dropped for Preorder
We’re so excited that our Norfolk line has gone live for preorder for 2024! This was the HOTTEST trend of 2023 and we know that everyone who was looking for the best in natural greenery and didn’t get what they needed have been looking for this! Be one of the first to get what you need so you’re not scrambling last minute.
These pieces are excellent because —
- Our price point has been less than the average in the market with better quality!
- You can enjoy 10% off for a limited time on the pre-order.
- These pieces will last the test of time and changing trends with its versatility and ultimate craftsmanship.
Shop the preorder collection for Norfolk greenery now to ensure you have what you need!
Christmas Trees and Decor: Best Deals
After Christmas, there is often a good selection available, which paired with a drop-off in demand, results in better deals. If you have your eye on certain items, you can often get exactly what you want without the rush.Our store is open through March when we restock the store and reset the designs - coming to see us now through then will guarantee you get the best attention while looking for the tree and decor of your dreams! And then, being among the first to shop with us in July brings you fresh product with all the best options at finding exactly what you need.
Christmas Lights: Perfecting Your Design 
Just like waiting till after Christmas to start your shopping for a tree can be a good deal, the same conditions apply to shopping for next year’s Christmas lights.
In addition to access to a greater variety of options (often at lower prices) starting early will also give you more time to speak with the professionals about what lights to use, how to coordinate them, and how to hang them. Come see David Stokes and his team in-store or give them a call for professional and easy-to-understand guidance! You can also take a look at our YouTube channel for other tips and tricks.
You’ll get the best service if you come shop our assortment of Christmas lights at this time of year (after Christmas), because you can get one-on-one advice from our design professionals.
Christmas Tree Designs: Exclusive Releases 
When we reopen the store in July, you can get a peek at what’s new in Christmas trees and maybe see a hint of what the decor bundles will look like.
This gives you plenty of time to explore our new collections so you can get what you want for the following Christmas well ahead of time. When we release our redesigned bundles in July, you’ll get the prime spot to order - the great thing about bundles is it’s a one-stop deal. Our Christmas tree bundles come with everything you need to create a themed tree, from base to topper, with everything in between.
Our advice: sign up for restock notifications on your favorite tree bundle looks so that you’re among the first to know when your favorite style is back in so you don’t miss a beat!
Resin: Timeless Focal Points
The resin decorations, signs, elements and accents we sell here at Decorator’s Warehouse offer a timeless look and feel and often serve as themed focal points in the displays they grace.
They offer lasting value and appeal, and one you buy this year may become a family heirloom that needs little maintenance (or none) to shine brightly year after year.
Buying these cherished additions off-season can save you money and offer you a better price than if you’d done last-minute shopping.
Christmas Ribbon: Exclusive Designs and Early Shopping
Just like our Christmas tree bundles, many of our new designs in Christmas ribbon get released in the summer, which means you need to be shopping after Christmas (or well before, depending on how you see it) to make sure you don’t miss any new releases.
Shopping early will give you first access to the newest and best designs in our collections and help protect you against stock-outs, especially in designs that prove popular.
Set a reminder in your calendar to head to our online shop in July, helping ensure you get what you want, and enough of it, to pull off the perfect Christmas tree.
Shop Our After Christmas Sale, Now
Getting the best deals along with access to exclusive collections, and having plenty of time for before-Christmas planning are only a few of the top reasons to shop after Christmas sales, but they are good ones.
As we stated, keep an eye out for new releases of different products and themed Christmas collections, especially of these must-have items, to make sure you get your first pick of decorations so you can pull off your yearly decorating without a hitch.
And while you’re at it, sign up for restock notifications and join our email list (check the bottom of the page), that way you can stay updated on Decorator’s Warehouse releases and promotions.
Your BEST Christmas ever starts here - shop our website or plan a visit to see us in-store so you can take advantage of after Christmas shopping for the essentials mentioned here.