This year more so than ever, we are seeing significant supply chain disruptions, leading to the most unprecedented year we have ever faced. Below, owner David Hanson shares a little more in regards to the state of the industry and what you can expect going in to the Christmas season.
As the owner of Decorator's Warehouse we are entering our 33rd year of operation. In that entire period we have never experienced the challenges that we are facing this year. Most of these challenges center around shipping and receiving goods. There are manpower shortages around the world, shortages of workers and a significant shortage of shipping containers causing shipping costs to increase over 500% or more in many cases. Promised shipping dates are changed on a whim and very often there is no guarantee at all of receiving goods. Many retailers will not have many of the products they ordered during the 2021 Christmas season.
Last year through providence I believed we could have a difficult year following the pandemic year of 2020 and ordered goods earlier than I ever have by several months. As it turns out this was extremely fortunate as goods that we ordered as early as November last year have now substantially arrived. Most other retailers placed orders in January and February of 2021 and are having great difficulty getting goods to sell.
We believe because we do have goods we may see an unprecedented demand for what we have in stock leading to shortages which could leave many customers wishing they had bought earlier in the season. Don’t be one of those that wait too long!
We are recommending to all of our great and longtime customers to come in early this year to make sure that they get what they need for an outstanding Christmas. There is a lot of evidence that families will be celebrating like never before as so many did not celebrate due to pandemic in 2020. With that in mind we have worked harder than ever to have the best selection and the best design ideas that we have ever displayed!
That this would be your most memorable Christmas ever for both you and your families. To that end we have dedicated remarkable energy and devotion to provide you with an incredible shopping experience presented by a group of people that stand ready to help you in any way possible.
David Hanson
Decorators Warehouse
P.S.- If you know of families who have just had a very difficult time through these last two years we would like to know. Wherever possible we will provide assistance in helping them to have a better Christmas. In particular we have a real heart for single moms with young children as they often have the most need. Please feel free to share any needs through the form fill on our website.